
Multiple bottles of medications with a low number needed to treat are filled by a pharmacist for patients.

Number Needed to Treat (NNT) — Why Should You Care About Drug Success Rates

All things, medication included, come with benefits and risks. Luckily, we have a metric to help us see the risk vs reward: number needed to treat, (NNT).

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A woman asleep in her bed peacefully after improving her sleep hygiene.

A Doctor’s Guide to Improving Your Sleep Hygiene

What is sleep hygiene? Why is it important? How do I improve mine? Here are 11 tips on how to finally get a good night's sleep.

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Various vitamins and b vitamins sitting on a white table.

What B Vitamins Are and Why You Need Them

Vitamins are a crucial component of a healthy life. Today we'll discuss B Vitamins specifically. What are they, why do we need them? Learn more here.

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A bookshelf overflowing with many different kinds of books, including some functional medical books.

Dr. Rosenberg’s Book Recommendations for Reaching Health Goals

There are some books that thoroughly nail a topic, and today, I want to share a list of those kinds of books with you here.

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A water bottle, tennis shoes, dumbbell, and jump rope lay on a blue background in a post on how to prevent injury at the gym.

How to Prevent Injury Before Going to the Gym

Getting hurt at the gym can interfere with your health goals. To avoid this, learn how to prevent injuries with these 10 tips.

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An above shot of tennis shoes, weights, a scale, an avocado, and other implied contributors to longevity.

Why Habits and Lifestyle Are the Secrets of Longevity

People have wide-ranging goals when it comes to personal health, but most of us want the same thing in the end: longevity. Learn the secret here.

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Food helpful for your human microbiome is spread out on a white table in various bowls.

What Is Your Gut Microbiome and Its Role in Your Health?

The gut microbiome is crucial to human health. These simple, powerful human microbiome facts can get your gut on the right path.

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A grocery bag laying on a blue table after someone learned how to grocery shop healthy.

13 Doctor’s Tips on How to Grocery Shop for Healthy Food

Regardless of your budget, these tips will help teach you how to grocery shop healthy and set up your food shopping habits for success.

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Two parents walk with their toddler in a white hat, telling him health lessons for kids.

5 Health Lessons for Kids (Plus When To Share Them)

We all want to know how to teach important health lesson to our kids. The four pillars of health help parents give their kids a framework for a vibrant life.

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