
A doctor sits at her desk explaining the importance of nutrition to a man wondering if he should see a nutritionist.

Why Using a Nutritionist Could Be a Life-Saving Decision

Many people wonder, what can a nutritionist do for me? Should I see a nutritionist? Let’s look at what a nutritionist is and what they can do for your health.

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A man riding his bike, taking care of his health after 50.

Health After 50: A Doctor’s Take on Aging and Staying Healthy

There’s a lot you can do for your health after 50. Let’s talk about what contributes to your condition of health at 50 and what to do from there.

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A physician holding a clipboard writes on a piece of paper to tell a patient that they can take probiotics with antibiotics.

Why You Need Probiotics When You Take Antibiotics

Do you know why a person on antibiotics needs extra support to reclaim full health? Can you take probiotics with antibiotics? When, and how? Learn more.

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