
A bookshelf overflowing with many different kinds of books, including some functional medical books.

Dr. Rosenberg’s Book Recommendations for Reaching Health Goals

There are some books that thoroughly nail a topic, and today, I want to share a list of those kinds of books with you here.

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A water bottle, tennis shoes, dumbbell, and jump rope lay on a blue background in a post on how to prevent injury at the gym.

How to Prevent Injury Before Going to the Gym

Getting hurt at the gym can interfere with your health goals. To avoid this, learn how to prevent injuries with these 10 tips.

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A brown paper cut-out of someone’s head with 4 white puzzle pieces floating out of it represents common myths about dementia.

10 Common Myths About Dementia

Many people fear dementia, which makes sense — no one wants to lose their mental faculties. But myths amplify fear, so we debunk 10 common dementia myths.

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An above shot of tennis shoes, weights, a scale, an avocado, and other implied contributors to longevity.

Why Habits and Lifestyle Are the Secrets of Longevity

People have wide-ranging goals when it comes to personal health, but most of us want the same thing in the end: longevity. Learn the secret here.

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A good doctor stands with their arms crossed, holding a stethoscope.

What Makes a Good Doctor? Here’s How to Find the Right Specialist for You

Finding a specialist can be daunting. Here, we demystify what to look for in a specialist so you and your primary care physician can find the right fit.

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Lab test results sit on a desk with blood samples, a stethoscope, a pen, and a petri dish.

What Do Your Test Results Really Mean?

What is a “normal” test result? How much should you rely on normal vs. abnormal test results, and what can they tell you about your health?

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A physician sitting at a desk helping a patient get the most out of their membership at Jupiter.

How to Get the Most Out of Your Membership at Jupiter

Because concierge medicine isn’t widely understood, here we walk through the benefits of membership with Jupiter Concierge Family Practice.

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A man with reflux pain massages his chest while wondering how long acid reflux takes to heal.

A Doctor Shares Why You Should Care About Acid Reflux

In this post, we'll explore why treating acid reflex is important, what causes it in the first place, and how long acid reflux takes to heal.

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A grocery bag laying on a blue table after someone learned how to grocery shop healthy.

13 Doctor’s Tips on How to Grocery Shop for Healthy Food

Regardless of your budget, these tips will help teach you how to grocery shop healthy and set up your food shopping habits for success.

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