
A palliative care nurse holds the hands of one of her elderly patients.

When Should You Start Palliative or Hospice Care for Your Aging Parents?

Starting palliative care or hospice for parents is hard. Learn the difference between the two and signs that it may be time for end-of-life comfort and support.

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A female doctor looks at the pelvic X-ray of a patient who has been practicing tips or increasing bone density.

Increasing Bone Density: A Key to Long Life

Boost longevity by increasing your bone density. Explore its role in aging, the factors that impact it, and tips for stronger bones and a healthier life.

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A pile of legal papers, including an advanced directive, and a living will form.

What Is a Living Will, and Should You Have One?

Explore the role of a living will, dispel misconceptions, and understand its potential to provide clarity and peace to you and your loved ones.

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A woman speaks to her husband’s doctor about his medical treatment plan because he brought her to his appointment.

4 Reasons to Bring a Family Member to Your Doctor’s Appointment

Can you bring someone to your doctor's appointment? Yes, we even encourage it! Here are four reasons why you should bring a family member to your appointments.

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A woman smiles widely at the camera while taking a selfie.

How to Be Genuinely Happy: A Doctor’s Guide

Discover how to be genuinely happy with Dr. Rosenberg's guide to happiness! Uncover practical strategies for balancing life and cultivating joy.

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A patient liaison wearing blue scrubs talks on the phone at a white desk.

How a Patient Liaison Makes a Huge Difference in Your Life

If you’ve ever had to navigate the American healthcare system, you know it’s extremely complex. A patient liaison can help — a lot. Find out how.

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A woman stands in front of a wall of pills thinking about the pros and cons of Metformin.

The Pros and Cons of Metformin

Metformin is a diabetes drug that’s made a splash in the anti-aging market. Is it worth the hype? Learn the pros and cons of metformin for longevity.

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A lab tech holds up a vial of blood from a patient, representing a discussion on how to prepare for a blood test.

How to Prepare for Your Next Blood Test

Looking for tips on how to prepare for a blood test? Learn the importance of regular testing and what to do (and what not to do) before your next blood draw.

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Various sized and shaped pill bottles with assorted medications are spilled over and spread across a white surface.

Why Your Doctor Should Know ALL the Medications You’re Taking

It's important for your doctor to know all of the medications you're taking, whether they be prescription or over-the-counter. Here's why.

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