How to Use Functional Medicine in a Conventional Practice
December 27, 2022
In this blog post, we explore how functional medicine can be used in conjunction with conventional practices to provide better patient care.
Dr. Rosenberg’s 7 Habits of Highly Healthy People
December 20, 2022
Today's post offers tips and advice on how to create healthy habits for the modern adult. Let us help you reach your goals and stay connected to your life.
Does Your Daily Multivitamin Pass the Quality Test?
December 13, 2022
There are thousands of multivitamins on the market, and unfortunately for us, not all of them are created equally. Need help finding the best one? Here's how.
7 Signs Your Stomach Pain Is Serious
December 6, 2022
Stomachaches are not fun, but also nothing to worry about, right? Yes, and no. Here are 7 signs that your stomach pain could be more serious than you think.
Number Needed to Treat (NNT) — Why Should You Care About Drug Success Rates
November 29, 2022
All things, medication included, come with benefits and risks. Luckily, we have a metric to help us see the risk vs reward: number needed to treat, (NNT).
A Doctor’s Guide to Improving Your Sleep Hygiene
November 22, 2022
What is sleep hygiene? Why is it important? How do I improve mine? Here are 11 tips on how to finally get a good night's sleep.
Florida Bug Bites: 3 Local Insects and How to Deal With Them
November 15, 2022
Florida is famous for its wildlife. Unfortunately, some of that wildlife consists of insects that love to bite. Learn about mosquito bites and more here.
What B Vitamins Are and Why You Need Them
November 8, 2022
Vitamins are a crucial component of a healthy life. Today we'll discuss B Vitamins specifically. What are they, why do we need them? Learn more here.
Dr. Rosenberg’s Book Recommendations for Reaching Health Goals
Concierge Medicine,Optimization
November 1, 2022
There are some books that thoroughly nail a topic, and today, I want to share a list of those kinds of books with you here.